January 16, 2009

I want a grilled cheese, Mommy?

As most of you know, Gracen is one of those challenging children when it comes to eating. When she was 9 months old, she stopped eating and has not been adventurous when it comes to food. We have been through the not eating for 2 days phase, eating only bacon phase, eating only round stuff phase (yogurt raisins, gummies, etc), the McDonald's plain hamburger only meat phase to finally now trying most everything. I am ECSTATIC! If you have one of these kids, you can understand the frustration and feelings that I have had for the past 3 years.

How did this happen you ask? Well, while we were skiing with Nancy and Jeff, Nancy mentioned that she had a friend with a child like this. She started a paper chain and wrote the name of each new food that the child tried. When we got home we started our "Happy Food Chain" with Gracen. Over the past two weeks we have seen a huge change. It all started with carrots on the first night. Now there was a little bit of fussing, but we made it through and now broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, chicken noodle soup, cheeseburger macaroni, peaches, apples, English peas, peanuts, roast beef, cinnamon toast are just a few new things that have made the chain. But, what made me so happy last night was the request for her very first GRILLED CHEESE! She loved it and it is my favorite thing to eat.

I know it sounds crazy that a grilled cheese is an accomplishment, but you have to understand I have been asking for almost 3 years now. Finally, she said yes!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's AWESOME! Maybe she can tell Anna how good some of those things are so she will try them!