October 14, 2008

I think Gracen is missing the pool....

Well, as I am getting us packed up to go out of town. You know folding clothes, packing, gathering toys, thinking about what we will need for the next 5 days I hear my daughter say "Mommy can you help me?" from the laundry room. Then she says "Oh, I got it never mind." Immediately I run to see what she has done in the laundry room?? Well after I gather myself off the floor from laughter, this is what I found. I guess she is missing the pool. What do you think?

By the way... She did all of this herself!


Anonymous said...

Gracen walks to the beat of her own drummer that's fo sho'.
These are great and thanks for the laugh!

Lainey-Paney said...

well....she looks FABULOUS!

amy said...

She is sooo going to love Cirque du Soleil someday...